Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why I Will Always Support Hrithik Roshan

I have been a fan of Hrithik Roshan for 3 years, and he will always have my support. Given that I have never before classified myself as a fan of any celebrity, I often ask myself: what is it about him that has drawn me into his world and inspired this loyalty?

His primary interaction with the public is as an actor, and there is no denying his talent in that department. The movies I have seen bear testament to his versatile range. From the sweeping historical epic of Jodhaa Akbar, to the light entertainment of Dhoom 2, to the emotional depths of Guzaarish, to the technical brilliance of the Krrish trilogy, he continues to push the boundaries of Indian cinema. He brings life and soul to the very diverse roles that he so brilliantly plays – who can forget the innocent sweetness of Rohit, the mighty yet vulnerable Akbar, the endearing cheekiness of Mr. A, the heart-wrenching angst of Ethan, the powerful but gentle Krrish, or the gorgeously wicked Rajveer? He brings smiles and entertainment to millions through the thoughtfulness and dedication he gives to every one of his roles; I am counting down the days to Mohenjo Daro with excited anticipation!

Physically, there is no doubt that he is one of nature's finest specimens. He is known fondly as "Bollywood's Greek God", and one cannot help but admire the sheer magnificence of the man. And yet how can looks alone inspire the fierce love, loyalty and devotion that I have observed in a fan base that spans gender, ethnicities, ages, cultures and continents? While it is inevitable that the physical spurs the initial attraction, it is the spiritual that will sustain it. Kahlil Gibran says, "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart". The more I am exposed to the fan world of Hrithik Roshan, the more I see past his incomparable physical canvas to the light within that illuminates it. It has become increasingly clear to me that what lies "Beneath his Beautiful", in fact exceeds it.

I am his fan, but I am no blindly loyal fan. Despite his Godly looks, I have never viewed Hrithik Roshan as some kind of God beyond reproach in my eyes; on the contrary, I have openly disagreed with him when I have felt compelled to do so. For me, he is no different to any of us in that he is trying to navigate the channels of his life to the best of his ability, inevitably making a few muddles along the way; BUT he is better than many of us in that, in his own journey, he makes an enormous effort to make a positive contribution to people’s lives.

And I am one of those people! He continues to inspire me to be fitter and healthier - I am an avid exerciser thanks to his continued influence (though my biceps are not quite as big as his, yet!). He has become my creative muse - I am building new technical skills and even started a Twitter page dedicated to my Hrithik-related creations (@HrithikEdits). He has brought me a lot of lighthearted smiles - there is nothing quite like that moment when you get a twitter notification that Hrithik Roshan has replied to you! I have met some special souls in the fan world whom it is a joy to get to know. He has also been a kind of mental sanctuary for me during some recent traumatic times in my own life. In an inexplicable way, he has somehow become interwoven into the tapestry of my existence - and I am the better for it. 

As a Hrithik Roshan fan, I feel to some extent connected to his happiness as well as his pains. When I know he is smiling, it makes me quietly smile too; when I know he is facing challenges, it disturbs me. I admire how he lives his public life, but beyond my wanting him to be filled with joy and peace, his private matters are none of my concern. However, the world in which we live is an increasingly voyeuristic one, where we are collectively guilty of breaching the lines between public and private on a regular basis. Our daily entertainment is dominated by reality shows and celebrity scandals, where the personal matters of others are broadcast directly into our homes and our conversations, and we become disconnected from the notion that the people we look at and read about are human beings with feelings. We are addicted to a sensationalist media, who many times sacrifice truth and cross all boundaries of decency and privacy in order to feed our cravings. Social media gives us a platform to make our voices heard, and while this can be used in very positive ways, it can also lead to very negative consequences as we can anonymously and unthinkingly say hurtful things based on incomplete information, and with no regard for the people to whom such barbs are directed. We are quick to express harsh judgement of others, though we dare not judge ourselves by the same criteria. There is sometimes an innate savagery in human nature that makes us not only want to witness a public lynching, but also actively participate in it - without realising that, under different circumstances, the person being lynched could so easily be any one of us. 

I hope that, throughout his life, Hrithik Roshan is able to cherish his happy moments, to feel supported during the difficult ones, is able to overcome and learn from his challenges, and reaches out to wholeheartedly grasp the glorious potential of the unwritten future. He has been the catalyst for some very happy moments in my life, the memories of which will be forever treasured and will continue to make my heart smile. Because we are all connected to each other in the Universe’s grand design, I have faith that the collective blessings being offered from a distance will continue to uplift him during trying times, and make HIS heart smile too. There is nothing and no-one that will ever change the fact that I am proud to be a fan of Hrithik Roshan, and that I will always, unconditionally, support him – come what may.